Riding Season is Coming: Time to Get Ready to Ride!

Riding Season is Coming: Time to Get Ready to Ride!

For many of us, winter can really drag on and spring takes forever to finally give Old Man Winter the boot. When spring finally does come around, it can hit quickly…green shoots start popping up, birds are chirping and a 60-degree sunny day can feel perfect for a ride!  

It only takes one of those days for motorcyclists everywhere to realize, “It’s time to ride!” We all can’t wait for that first ride after a long winter of being cooped up, but there’s nothing worse than not being able to enjoy one of those early spring days and feel the wind in your face because your bike isn’t ready to ride for whatever reason.  

Spring is around the corner, and now is the time to give your bike a thorough check to make sure your two-wheeled steed is ready for that first ride of the season. As riders ourselves, we put together the checklist below to help get your bike ready to go for some early spring rides! 


  • Give your bike a good clean! Even if you washed your bike after your last fall ride, a good clean will help you spot what other needs your bike may have for the new season and will, of course, get it looking FRESH for the first ride of the year.

  • Fuel! If you stored your motorcycle over the winter and used a fuel additive to keep the fuel injection system or carburetor from gumming up, you’ll need to drain the old fuel and start fresh. Be careful to discard old fuel in a safe manner. Small engines are best fed a non-ethanol blend of fuel. 

  • Give your suspension a once over. Fork seals can dry up over winter and will often leak as the seals are not being used. Compress the forks and shock a couple of times and take a glance at them shortly after for any signs of a fork seal that’s leaking. 

  • Inspect the brake pads! Even though they only slow you down, brakes are pretty important. Change the pads if needed and give the brake lever a squeeze. If it is not firm, you should consider bleeding the brakes. It’s also a good idea to check and make sure your brake fluid is clean.  

  • Check chain and sprockets for wear and tear. Some sprockets or chains wear out or stretch faster than others and, as a result, should be replaced as needed. It’s also a good idea to consistently apply a quality chain lubricant before you hit the open road, track or trail. Chain lube is a pretty common chemical made by dozens of manufacturers, but it’s generally a good idea to use one that doesn’t fling said lubricant all over your motorcycle. 

  • How are your grips? Your footpegs? Your seat? These contact points are the lifeline between you and the bike – so if they’re torn up or slipping, it’s time for a change. Make sure your grips are bonded firmly to the handlebar. Check your footpegs to make sure they’re still gripping. What about your seat? Do you slide around on it? No bueno.

  • Check battery and electronics. Was the battery on a trickle charger all winter? If not, it may be a good idea to consider a new battery. It’s a tough pill to swallow when your bike won’t start due to a failed battery after having sat all winter when all you want to do is ride.

  • Test your lights. Make sure all lights/turn signals are working and replace bulbs if needed. 

  • Inspect and clean your air filter! Another extremely important performance piece is making sure you have a clean and freshly oiled air filter. The air filter plays an important role in your bike’s performance so make sure that sucker is fresh! 

  • Check fluids and change oil. Fresh oil is almost certainly needed, and it’s a good idea to consider fresh coolant and other fluids like transmission oil as well.

  • Tires. Did you stretch the life of your tires last year to get through the last bit of riding for the year? If you did then it’s time for some new shoes! Order a set of tires and a Rabaconda Street Bike Tire Changer or Dirt Bike Tire Changer and get to work throwing on some fresh rubber for the new season.

Once you’ve given your motorcycle a good once-over in the garage, it’s finally time to hit the open road for that first spring ride. Be careful of sand, potholes and road debris that has accumulated on the road over the winter months. 

Ride Safe!

-The Rabaconda Team


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